We can tell we are in the waning days now, as the barrel is really being scraped by you-know-who. The repugs have taken their normal track of going from innuendo and distortion to outright lies. They always pull out the "Media has a liberal bias" bs whenever the media actually investigate their claims and reveal them to be the lies and slander that they are. I also don't know that the "liberal" media have their own entire news network...like Faux News..to promulgate the "black man tortures white woman for supporting McCain" story that Faux had to invent. I wonder what the "liberal" version would be..."Joe Sixpack got drunk and kicked another fag to death last night...". Oh..wait...they probably wouldn't have to make that one up would they....
I will admit that the comedy news does seem to spend more time picking on the repugs than the dems, but I would just suggest that, like most people, comedy writers will tend to do the easy thing first....and the repugs just make it so easy for them.....with such a wealth of material.
I wonder why the repugs have elevated the Joe Sixpack character as their standard bearer anyway. Are they really suggesting that the only people they believe they can get to accept their claptrap anymore spends most of his time in a drunken stupor? (Although, admittedly, it probably is the best way to get through repug administrations..^_^).