Tuesday, February 17, 2009


From the BBC news site..

The founder of a US Muslim TV network has been charged over the beheading of his wife, media reports say.

Muzzammil Hassan, 44, is accused of second degree murder of Aasiya Hassan, whose body was found last week at the TV station in New York state.

Both Mr Hassan and his wife worked at Bridges TV, a station aimed at countering stereotypes of Muslims.

Way to counter those stereotypes. Sort of the same methodology that the repugs try and use to convince people they have a brain...."we'll show you how smart we are...let's keep doing the same thing that caused the current mess..that's bound to fix it...."

The following just confirm what I've been saying recently. I'll be happy to reduce government oversight of private concerns..just as soon as I see any sign that as rule 1 they have replaced "Profit above all" with "Don't kill the customers"

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Here it's been..over a week. Time just moves way to fast for me to deal with...

We start with a little valentines day message. Shouldn't be much in the way of controversy there...^_^

Which one should we care about? Which one actually effects our lives? Now..all together now, which one gets more press coverage? Of course.

Did you notice that they have renamed their "bonus" payments that are not allowed to "retention payments"...because, after all...if you don't keep the assholes who caused the situation, they'd just go get jobs at huge pay rises in some other industry...like....like.....like...well...certainly there is someplace where their skills would be useful. Maybe they could become repug congressmen....or are they over qualified for that?

The idea anymore that someone needs to hop on a jet and rush off someplace for a face to face to solve a problem shows how out of touch these people are. You can have a face to face with anyone, anytime, in a few minutes, if they aren't so fossilized they should have been buried years ago....

...and they've given me a couple....but I'm trying to cut back on my profanity....

Friday, February 6, 2009


Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's another edition of commentary on "stolen" editorial cartoons. I put stolen in quotes because, to be honest, I don't think my posting them here takes even a millionth of a penny from the pockets of anyone involved in the production of them...but I'll bet a bunch of lawyers somewhere disagree....

Speaking of lawyers and the ability to be wrong even with their extra education on the law....

I understand the tendency to want to blame Obama for choosing them...but....well...at some point you have to believe the resumes you are handed, and trust to your staff to ferret out this stuff. The hard part comes when (and I'm not saying this is the case here), the laws being broken are so arcane and byzantine (like say...tax laws) that even the lawbreaker has no idea s/he has broken the law. I mean..in many cases it's not as clear cut as say certain radio hosts and their gulping of narcotics....

Be careful what you wish for...^_^

Ah yes..the old double standard.....

My brain says...yes...the market should be left alone and it will always correct itself...if it is truly free....but...that is based upon the idea that it should not be able to be manipulated by big business interests anymore than it should be by government interests....and that the minimum standard of a company should be that it try not to kill it's customers. (Something you would think would fall under the heading of common sense...^_^).

What!! A star athlete who has used recreational drugs!! Oh no's!! Take away those medals...what kind of role model is he!! And take away Babe Ruths records too please...since he as often as not showed up with a hangover..meaning the drugs were still in his system. And...well...I could easily go on over the years. Can you believe people have actually called for his medals to be taken back? As far as I can tell..the IOC policy towards non performance enhancing drugs is that if you don't test for them during the competiton....it's not their problem. A pretty sane opinion there if you ask me. Are we sure this is the IOC we are talking about? Doesn't sound like them.....

As for Michael..well..maybe he isn't the self centered asshole I have assumed he was since he was annointed by the media barons starting a couple of years before this last round of games....maybe he's actually human. However..he has rolled over on his back and promised never to engage in harmless fun again....so perhaps my initial impression is correct.

Hey..I was almost 2 weeks ahead of the cartoonists on this one..very rare...although I do understand their hesitancy to comment on idiot religious happenings out of fear of fatwah....

The best comments I've heard on this are along the line of..here's a guy that has no doubt about the truth of a bunch of word of mouth stories handed down over several millennium..translated and re-translated....but doesn't believe something that happened less than 60 years ago...with a paper trail a mile wide, testimony from many of the perpetrators, and millions of witnesses. Talk about selective belief. This is not something made up by the victors after the war to demonize the German people. (If anything, it was played down so the money being spent on the rebuilding of Germany would have an easier time being disbursed). This was all carefully noted by the wartime Germans themselves...with the attention to detail for which they are well noted. The only people denying it happened are those who have shown a marked tendency to want to do it themselves.....which is very un-Torquemada like..oh..wait...hmmm..never mind.

Onion Rings

Hi everybody.
i'm sure all of you have fond memories of a favourite food dish that you used to eat when you were young. In my case i remember going on a long car trip with my parents and we went into this restaurant and i remember i had an order of onion rings. They were the best ones i ever had but i can't remember the name of the restaurant or even what city it was in. It was many years ago.
The last few months i've been trying to make my own onion rings and hoping i could duplicate the taste. i've tried several recipes and all of them were no good. However, a few days ago i found a recipe on the internet for Outback Steakhouse Blooming Onion and i bought all the ingredients...stuff i really never have around my kitchen like cornstarch, garlic, paprika, cayenne pepper...i also bought a case of beer because one of the ingredients was beer. I spent about $30.00 on all of the ingredients that were required, not counting the case of beer, which cost $45.00 Canadian.Last night i finally decided to try the recipe and it took me about half an hour to mix up all the ingredients, including a bottle of Heineken beer, and i put two onion rings in the hot oil...and then i tried to eat them and they were the worst onion rings i ever had!...It was terrible!i can't understand what went wrong because i followed the recipe exactly as it was written. i got so upset that i dumped all the batter and other ingredients in the garbage. Those two onion rings i ate cost me about $15.00 each! And what a mess to clean up all the dishes and the pot...i was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem trying to duplicate a favourite food memory from childhood.
love from,