Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's another edition of commentary on "stolen" editorial cartoons. I put stolen in quotes because, to be honest, I don't think my posting them here takes even a millionth of a penny from the pockets of anyone involved in the production of them...but I'll bet a bunch of lawyers somewhere disagree....

Speaking of lawyers and the ability to be wrong even with their extra education on the law....
I understand the tendency to want to blame Obama for choosing some point you have to believe the resumes you are handed, and trust to your staff to ferret out this stuff. The hard part comes when (and I'm not saying this is the case here), the laws being broken are so arcane and byzantine (like laws) that even the lawbreaker has no idea s/he has broken the law. I many cases it's not as clear cut as say certain radio hosts and their gulping of narcotics....

Be careful what you wish for...^_^

Ah yes..the old double standard.....

My brain says...yes...the market should be left alone and it will always correct itself...if it is truly free....but...that is based upon the idea that it should not be able to be manipulated by big business interests anymore than it should be by government interests....and that the minimum standard of a company should be that it try
not to kill it's customers. (Something you would think would fall under the heading of common sense...^_^).

What!! A star athlete who has used recreational drugs!! Oh no's!! Take away those medals...what kind of role model is he!! And take away Babe Ruths records too please...since he as often as not showed up with a hangover..meaning the drugs were still in his system. And...well...I could easily go on over the years. Can you believe people have actually called for his medals to be taken back? As far as I can tell..the IOC policy towards non performance enhancing drugs is that if you don't test for them during the's not their problem. A pretty sane opinion there if you ask me. Are we sure this is the IOC we are talking about? Doesn't sound like them.....
As for Michael..well..maybe he isn't the self centered asshole I have assumed he was since he was annointed by the media barons starting a couple of years before this last round of games....maybe he's actually human. However..he has rolled over on his back and promised never to engage in harmless fun perhaps my initial impression is correct.

Hey..I was almost 2 weeks ahead of the cartoonists on this one..very rare...although I do understand their hesitancy to comment on idiot religious happenings out of fear of fatwah....
The best comments I've heard on this are along the line's a guy that has no doubt about the truth of a bunch of word of mouth stories handed down over several millennium..translated and re-translated....but doesn't believe something that happened less than 60 years ago...with a paper trail a mile wide, testimony from many of the perpetrators, and millions of witnesses. Talk about selective belief. This is not something made up by the victors after the war to demonize the German people. (If anything, it was played down so the money being spent on the rebuilding of Germany would have an easier time being disbursed). This was all carefully noted by the wartime Germans themselves...with the attention to detail for which they are well noted. The only people denying it happened are those who have shown a marked tendency to want to do it themselves.....which is very un-Torquemada like..oh..wait...hmmm..never mind.