There's an interesting list on If we sat down an thought for a while, we could probably have come up with it.
But since they already made a list - it is easier to just to post the link.
"Political junkies couldn't have asked for a better year."
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Hi Everybody!
i just want to wish all of my friends a very Happy New Year!
i hope that the coming year will be better for all of you than 2008 was. i'm so happy that 2008 is coming to an was a really bad year for so many of us.
We should all try to make 2009 a better year by trying to do good things and by helping other people with their problems as much as we can.
Love from,
i just want to wish all of my friends a very Happy New Year!
i hope that the coming year will be better for all of you than 2008 was. i'm so happy that 2008 is coming to an was a really bad year for so many of us.
We should all try to make 2009 a better year by trying to do good things and by helping other people with their problems as much as we can.
Love from,
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Talk about fellow travelers....

Amazing how the there are no rules in wartime defense only works for the side that believes they are winning. I can remember when we swore we were not at "war" in Vietnam..that it was a "police action", while at the same time complaining that the enemy were not complying with the "rules of war" (Geneva conventions). I am constantly amazed at how good every country seems to be about wanting it both ways. Here's another. We are all for trying war criminals in an international court of justice...which of course we ourselves do not recognize as having any jurisdiction over us...^_^
Sunday, December 21, 2008

But..but...weren't the last 15 tax increases on cigarette sales supposed to balance the budgets forever? What do you mean, everyone stopped smoking because it became to expensive....?

What's the difference between the Hindenburg and Rush Limbaugh?

Yep..he's learned how to run a Ponzi scheme from the best...Ronnie Raygun himself. When it comes to stealing investors money there is no better role model than a Repug pres....^_^ ( I believe the theory is.."What a bunch of idiots..they should have invested it themselves. We'll show them what happens when you put your trust in the promises of a government. We'll raid it to pay for our tax cuts to the rich, just like the corporations raid their trust one will ever notice anyway.")
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Medical Myths
Here is the link.
At least some of these I knew were silly...but there are always a couple that I realize I have accepted as facts..often for large portions of my life..^_^. Below are the myths..details at the BBC site I link to...
Hangover Cures
Eating Late and Gaining Weight
Sugar and Hyperactivity
Hats and the cold
Poinsettia Toxicity
Suicides at Christmas
At least some of these I knew were silly...but there are always a couple that I realize I have accepted as facts..often for large portions of my life..^_^. Below are the myths..details at the BBC site I link to...
Hangover Cures
Eating Late and Gaining Weight
Sugar and Hyperactivity
Hats and the cold
Poinsettia Toxicity
Suicides at Christmas
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
This is time consuming. Is it worth it?

As you can see from the cartoon below...this is actually how the repugs see the world. It's all the workers fault....our non worker overlords are to be absolved of all blame. All hail our feudal masters....

I wonder how we blame this one on the workers? Possibly the United Union of Security Salesmen is somehow to blame......^_^

And he's had so much practice ducking he barely even had to move....

Meet the new Bush, same as the old Bush....

As you can see from the cartoon below...this is actually how the repugs see the world. It's all the workers fault....our non worker overlords are to be absolved of all blame. All hail our feudal masters....

I wonder how we blame this one on the workers? Possibly the United Union of Security Salesmen is somehow to blame......^_^

And he's had so much practice ducking he barely even had to move....

Meet the new Bush, same as the old Bush....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Yes, there are a lot of them..but I was lazy for a few days..^_^

...and these are the guys who went to the exclusive private schools....

Well, a problem suggesting that these were ever "American" values. GOP values, sure..but not American.

For the last 8 years the Goofs have been blaming everything that's gone wrong on, you would think that for the next 8 everything would be Bush's fault...but .... no...we've gone right to Obama, just for having the gall to get elected!!! And they wonder why we laugh at them. The cartoon below would be considered an exaggeration if it was portraying any group except the repugs.....but the core right wing of the party is still blowing this tripe out of their orifices....

...and these are the guys who went to the exclusive private schools....

Well, a problem suggesting that these were ever "American" values. GOP values, sure..but not American.

For the last 8 years the Goofs have been blaming everything that's gone wrong on, you would think that for the next 8 everything would be Bush's fault...but .... no...we've gone right to Obama, just for having the gall to get elected!!! And they wonder why we laugh at them. The cartoon below would be considered an exaggeration if it was portraying any group except the repugs.....but the core right wing of the party is still blowing this tripe out of their orifices....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

No comment needed...

Needs a Lipstick $ .99 sign...

This is normal. A good example of "just not getting it". The criticism of them showing up in their Leer Jet's to beg for money the first time means it is already too late...any sane person would have thought of that before hand. Changing if for later appearances just makes things it shows how willing they are to pander to the lowest intelligence level (ie, congress). I don't care if they all show up in individual limo's or even work their way down to car pooling (although which car to use would be an interesting debate to hear...I wonder if they would alternate..^_^). I might be a little worried about them all driving around together. I've never heard of much good coming out of a carful of guys out for a joyride..^_^. And aren't they supposed to be competitiors? Perhaps if they were all 3 wouldn't be in trouble. You'd think at least one of them would have been willing to buck the tide if they were really competing...
On a related note, I'm still seeing cartoons railing against the evil "workers" and their compensation package. First off...they are no where near as generous as that given to the non-workers (executives), and, if I recall, the evil unions have already suggested a number of cuts they would be willing to accept. I do not recall hearing anything from any "executives" about how they are happy to accept a cut for the benefit of all. Where are the cartoons mentioning that? Or is it only the easy targets that are grist for the mill? I think maybe it's an example of what is to come. Much of the easy material will be going away soon, and I think the artist/writers of these things have gotten lazy over the last 8 years of easy pickings. They aren't used to having to think a little bit for an idea anymore....^_^
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fake Simpsons cartoon 'is porn'
Reads the headline on the BBC site. Now..first off..that is not the ruling. It is (even without seeing it), almost certainly porn. The ruling was that it was "child porn", which falls under different rules..having little to do with it's prurient interest and much to do with the protection of children...hence a more liberal interpretation of what should not be allowed. Cartoon characters may well be depicted in pornographic situations...but in no way can they ever be considered children (or adults, or animals, or anything other than drawings...and due the same protections as any other form or artistic say...words....).
I can't wait to see this logic continued. The headline possibilities are endless.
We don't even want to begin to think what troubles the old Warners cartoon catalog is in if cartoon characters are now considered to be real. But...we do get an indication (since this line of thought has been prevalent in the US for the last quarter century or more), why there have been so few good cartoon shows done in that time. (With...of course...the glaring exceptions of the Simpsons and South Park..which don't even pretend to be made for children).
Here is something that those in power are going to have to get through their heads....since graphic representations and virtual reality will make up much of this century at least. These are methods of expression or art.....and have more in common with the printed word than with the motion picture or photograph. No real people were harmed in the making of this drawing (or this rant..^_^).
May contain nuts.
I can't wait to see this logic continued. The headline possibilities are endless.
We don't even want to begin to think what troubles the old Warners cartoon catalog is in if cartoon characters are now considered to be real. But...we do get an indication (since this line of thought has been prevalent in the US for the last quarter century or more), why there have been so few good cartoon shows done in that time. (With...of course...the glaring exceptions of the Simpsons and South Park..which don't even pretend to be made for children).
Here is something that those in power are going to have to get through their heads....since graphic representations and virtual reality will make up much of this century at least. These are methods of expression or art.....and have more in common with the printed word than with the motion picture or photograph. No real people were harmed in the making of this drawing (or this rant..^_^).
May contain nuts.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Finally, (I hope) got my dish installed properly (ie..the right dish pointed the right direction), which means..with any luck...I won't have to deal with that particular group of "customer service" reps for years. Leaving me still with their Comcast brethren to deal with in terms of broadband...but at least they can only screw me on one service now...^_^.
Found an interesting little article on the BBC site. Here's a link. I love articles that excuse my sloppiness and blame it on my "creative" mind....^_^.
Also..any comments on this? (Especially you Anagen.)
Remember, the cartoons can be seen at a larger size by clicking on them...'s the consumers fault. How dare they take cheap home loans and credit and then cry for help and talk about bankruptcy. You won't catch America's bank and industrial leaders behaving that way......^_^. What's that you say? They are? Are what they want is lower interest rates so they can borrow more? Funny...that's not what they say is right for consumers. For them they want higher interest rates and harder bankruptcy rules. Wonder why what works for them is no good for us?

It's an easy cartoon. "It's the governments fault" cry the poor industrialists. I wonder why the non big 3 automakers were able to live with the same rules? Maybe they got some special management? A product line that is more varied and flexible?
Found an interesting little article on the BBC site. Here's a link. I love articles that excuse my sloppiness and blame it on my "creative" mind....^_^.
Also..any comments on this? (Especially you Anagen.)
Remember, the cartoons can be seen at a larger size by clicking on them...'s the consumers fault. How dare they take cheap home loans and credit and then cry for help and talk about bankruptcy. You won't catch America's bank and industrial leaders behaving that way......^_^. What's that you say? They are? Are what they want is lower interest rates so they can borrow more? Funny...that's not what they say is right for consumers. For them they want higher interest rates and harder bankruptcy rules. Wonder why what works for them is no good for us?

It's an easy cartoon. "It's the governments fault" cry the poor industrialists. I wonder why the non big 3 automakers were able to live with the same rules? Maybe they got some special management? A product line that is more varied and flexible?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Return of the editorials...
Haven't been involved looking at the cartoons as much this week. Main reason is..mostly a lot of hot air about nothing. Can't really blame anything on the new guy yet....and even the cartoonists can't be surprised anymore at the pure depth of mis-management and stupidity shown by the current batch. Also...I've spent most of the week trying to save a few bucks a month by getting rid of my cable video and going to Dish Network for everything. I was hoping that along with that would come a slightly more competent customer service department...but it seems that Dish has an even more rigid top down control that when you finally do actually get a human being they are so limited as to what they can do as to be almost worthless...while (as is virtually always the case) the supervisors who can make decisions are clueless retards. So..the pain in the ass quotient (at least as far as getting things running properly to start with) is just as high as with Comcast....but...I am saving a bundle of money for more programming, and I have high hopes (having been a satellite subscriber before) that once I am up and running I won't have to deal with them with anywhere near the frequency that I have to with the cable...^_^

This has been a running theme the last week....and I basically agree....many people are greedy bastards...but...what I haven't seen in any of the about the stores? If you advertise 50% off 1 hour only first come first served for items that are known to be in short supply...don't go wringing your hands when the customer frenzy you've spent thousands to whip up actually occurs. How about a fair price all the time? Then people wouln't be goaded into lining up in the cold for hours beforehand and sprinting for the goal. If you turn things into a sporting competition don't be surprised when you get injuries and foul behavior. For an example, watch any football game..^_^.

However..the difference between Minnesota and Florida is....Minnesota is actually bothering to count all their votes in the recount. Not running about trying to get the courts to stop it....although once again the repugs are frightened to death of what a recount that includes all the cast ballots will show. If I'm a cartoonist..I'm rooting for Franken. Much better one liners...make my job easier...^_^

This has been a running theme the last week....and I basically agree....many people are greedy bastards...but...what I haven't seen in any of the about the stores? If you advertise 50% off 1 hour only first come first served for items that are known to be in short supply...don't go wringing your hands when the customer frenzy you've spent thousands to whip up actually occurs. How about a fair price all the time? Then people wouln't be goaded into lining up in the cold for hours beforehand and sprinting for the goal. If you turn things into a sporting competition don't be surprised when you get injuries and foul behavior. For an example, watch any football game..^_^.

However..the difference between Minnesota and Florida is....Minnesota is actually bothering to count all their votes in the recount. Not running about trying to get the courts to stop it....although once again the repugs are frightened to death of what a recount that includes all the cast ballots will show. If I'm a cartoonist..I'm rooting for Franken. Much better one liners...make my job easier...^_^
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