Haven't been involved looking at the cartoons as much this week. Main reason is..mostly a lot of hot air about nothing. Can't really blame anything on the new guy yet....and even the cartoonists can't be surprised anymore at the pure depth of mis-management and stupidity shown by the current batch. Also...I've spent most of the week trying to save a few bucks a month by getting rid of my cable video and going to Dish Network for everything. I was hoping that along with that would come a slightly more competent customer service department...but it seems that Dish has an even more rigid top down control structure...so that when you finally do actually get a human being they are so limited as to what they can do as to be almost worthless...while (as is virtually always the case) the supervisors who can make decisions are clueless retards. So..the pain in the ass quotient (at least as far as getting things running properly to start with) is just as high as with Comcast....but...I am saving a bundle of money for more programming, and I have high hopes (having been a satellite subscriber before) that once I am up and running I won't have to deal with them with anywhere near the frequency that I have to with the cable...^_^

This has been a running theme the last week....and I basically agree....many people are greedy bastards...but...what I haven't seen in any of the cartoons...is...what about the stores? If you advertise 50% off 1 hour only first come first served for items that are known to be in short supply...don't go wringing your hands when the customer frenzy you've spent thousands to whip up actually occurs. How about a fair price all the time? Then people wouln't be goaded into lining up in the cold for hours beforehand and sprinting for the goal. If you turn things into a sporting competition don't be surprised when you get injuries and foul behavior. For an example, watch any football game..^_^.

However..the difference between Minnesota and Florida is....Minnesota is actually bothering to count all their votes in the recount. Not running about trying to get the courts to stop it....although once again the repugs are frightened to death of what a recount that includes all the cast ballots will show. If I'm a cartoonist..I'm rooting for Franken. Much better one liners...make my job easier...^_^
Great post! In the New York City area, we recently had a nasty incident due to Black Friday. A Wal-Mart worker was literally trampled to death by greedy shoppers who heinously waited in the cold from 10PM the night before to get in first. They were all in the mindset of getting flat screen TVs for free (or as close to that as possible). No one has yet to be charged for the crime. Sorry for the rant. This is a great site, which I plan on adding to my blog follow list. Feel free to drop in, or check out my 80's based blog site which you can access through my profile. Happy Holidays!
yes - your comment on why the hype by the stores? is right on.
I remember the cabbage patch days.
one reason why my kids grew up without watching much commercial tv
they constantly "create a need" and a feeding frenzy to buy
and yes
My vote would be for Franklin
at least he is literate and funny!
Thanks Morty...don't know how you found it..but that's the thing about blogs isn't it..^_^. Loved your 80's page. At the time you were playing those songs...I was a recording engineer in the NY area...but..maybe I'll leave more about that as it becomes relevant in comments on your page...if I can figure out how to follow it...^_^.
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