Monday, October 26, 2009

I got it half right.....^_^

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Odds and ends..

OCTOBER 14--A South Carolina teenager is facing a felony charge for throwing a "deadly missile" at a moving vehicle. The armament in question was a burrito. (various sources)

Regarding the doesn't matter what it was.  He claims "it was only a prank".  A jest..a simple harm here.  Bullshit.  Anything winged through the open window of a car traveling next to you at speed is criminal.  Period.  What could possibly be "prankish" about it?  "Gee officer, I only meant to distract him long enough for him to lose control and was only a prank".  In fact..I'm not even sure the window being open should be considered.  I know that I would have pulled hard right upon something hitting my window...that I would have best..with my peripheral vision at the last second.  I'm annoyed that this is being reported as a "joke" story.  This was dangerous, and well worth the felony charge.  Don't let him off the hook.

I was going to continue here by lambasting the authorities for PC above and beyond the bounds of PC...but upon reading further than the headline things become less clear.  The story was about parents being arrested for washing their 8 years olds mouth out with soap...(something many of us managed to live through, and we managed to be more circumspect around elders, if not each other..^_^).  However..this is also described as being forced to "eat" soap (which I might consider going a touch to far), and more importantly...not getting aid for the child when she had an allergic reaction to the soap, however..that may not be true either, since they did call for aid, which is what brought the police in the first place.  You would think that a news organization would at least attempt to get the full story before bothering to run it for everyone else to make fun of.  There is just too much here that is unknown.

OK..unlike most of the news reports..I did look a bit further.  The mother has had run ins with child services before it seems...and while she was finally taken to a hospital, it was long after she should have been..and it seems only then because the mother got afraid she would be in worse trouble if the girl died...not out of any compassion for the child.  I think I may now switch position, and rather than swearing at a government agency for being to aggressive, I should swear at them for maybe not removing the kids from that home sooner...^_^.


I'm pretty sure this is a PC rule of some sort....maybe they think that it's an advantage of rich which case I would think a limit on which shoe you could use would be more to the point.  I'd feel more sorry for the 'victim" in this case if she hadn't won because the person who did win was disqualified for getting a drink of water from a non-authorized spectator (hey...after 15 miles or so she should have been paying more attention to the clothes being worn by pick out the right ones from the wrong ones).  Maybe the organizers should lose their license to run this race for not controlling the audience better?  Seems to me they are at least as responsible for un-authorized persons being on the course as the runner is for accepting liquid from them...;pop

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Signs of Intelligence?

From a conservative Republican columnist?  I was beginning to think such a thing did not exist since Bill Buckley left us..not to mention the loss of Bill Safire..who's language columns showed the wonderful intelligence he could bring to bear when he would actually think about what he was writing rather than trying to obfuscate one of his clients out of trouble.

The dumbest contestant of all time...

Hi everybody!....If you get a chance try to watch this video about the dumbest contestant of all time on the Price is Right show.

Here is the url:

Its funny!

Love from,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MIssing cartoons..

Just noticed that the cartoons from my post yesterday aren't there today.  So much for the easier method I found of  inserting them.  I'll try and get them back in now..

Do you remember....?

Please remember me when i die....
(This post is re-printed from another blog i used to have. The old blog was on an adult site that i don't go to anymore).

My family can trace back our ancestors to my parents great grandparents. Most of my friends can't even go back that far. i keep wondering about all of the lost generations of my ancestors who walked on this planet many years ago. They are lost in the dustbin of history......Absolutely no memories are left of them.....It makes me feel sad...With the invention of photography in the 1800's it became easier to preserve the memories of people....Video tape, film and digital images also will aid in recording a families' memories...But who is going to care one hundred years from now? i can look at old photos of my great grandparents but i have no real memories of them.Our ancestors probably had the same type of worries that we have.....about love; money; and health....i wish that there had been a central registry kept throughout history to record each family's ancestors.....their names; dates of birth; occupations; etc. Next time you visit an antique store you probably will see a box of old photographs showing interesting looking people wearing old fashioned clothes....All of them are long gone and no one even wants their pictures now....They have disapperead from everyone's memories...Its as though they never existed at all. Yet each one was once a special nothing but dust....When i was little i left my hand print in some wet cement on the sidewalk in front of my parents' house. Yesterday, i noticed that my hand print has almost completely disappeared after all these years...its as though i am already fading from view....after i die, i will be like my hand print...just a fading lost memory.....Will any of you remember me years from now? i'm scared of being forgotten.....

love, tara

Monday, October 5, 2009

Best place to live..

I remember seeing..a few weeks ago..a Repug politician (is there anything worse you can call anyone?) trying to scare his audience of sycophantic morons about how horrid health care reform would be, by saying "I don't want to go to sleep one night, and wake up the next morning in Sweden." 

Now I, for one, had a lot of trouble understanding what was supposed to be frightening about Sweden is almost universally considered to be a fine place to live indeed...but now I see his problem.  He must have seen this early..

Why would you want to wake up in Sweden when you should be in Norway?  In either case though, I can imagine residents of either of those countries waking up in a cold sweat after having the nightmare about waking up in the US......where they could kiss their health care, education, and high standards of living goodbye....

Twice in a day!

Yeah..ok.  I figured if I was going to start this back up I'd better grab a couple of comics..if only to remember where I got them from and how to work the clipping programs..^_^ seems easier to insert and play with the pictures in this template of the blog.  That's good.  People are still taking Palin seriously enough to do editorials about her...that's not as good.  I assumed enough people had realized what a useless thing she is by now.  Silly me.

This is just a fun one for my euro friends...a few American stereotypes.  (Probably the same people who still want to hear about Palin.)   ^_^

On another front...I'm experimenting with Google Voice.  If it really can do what it looks like it's supposed to I'll be very happy.  Glad now that I waited to switch from Vonage to an even cheaper home phone I only had to send out one number change.  This one should stick with me forever (forever for me anyway..^_^), no matter how many times I change my home and mobile options, companies, and numbers.  That seems to me..makes it a must have.  Those who have a number that they have had for years that they want to port however, may want to wait a bit.  I know they are working on getting the ability to port your current number..but that could take a while, given how much luck the main players have had trying the same thing.  Also note the Call button on the side of this page, just if any of my friends forget my number, or have a dead mobile..or are at someplace they don't have quick access to their contacts but do have web access..I'm just a click away.  To those who just want to swear at me because you hate me...the program will ask for a name...and if I don't recognize it, will send it right to voicemail...and I will probably read the text before listening to I'll even miss the hatred in your voice.  Hardly seems worth your trouble...^_^

7 Months and counting, eh?

Well, maybe since I've changed the style and added a couple of toys I'll stay interested enough to get back into the habit of posting things.  I hope so.  I really remember liking spouting off at the idiocy I see around me everyday.  Maybe I can convince myself that I'm not an even greater idiot long enough to take some potshots again...^_^.

Of course...I don't mean to shift any blame..but...I see 4 other people listed as contributors...who also never posted anything for the last 7 months.

I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised though.  Two of them don't even follow the blog...^_^.