Monday, October 5, 2009

Twice in a day!

Yeah..ok.  I figured if I was going to start this back up I'd better grab a couple of comics..if only to remember where I got them from and how to work the clipping programs..^_^ seems easier to insert and play with the pictures in this template of the blog.  That's good.  People are still taking Palin seriously enough to do editorials about her...that's not as good.  I assumed enough people had realized what a useless thing she is by now.  Silly me.

This is just a fun one for my euro friends...a few American stereotypes.  (Probably the same people who still want to hear about Palin.)   ^_^

On another front...I'm experimenting with Google Voice.  If it really can do what it looks like it's supposed to I'll be very happy.  Glad now that I waited to switch from Vonage to an even cheaper home phone I only had to send out one number change.  This one should stick with me forever (forever for me anyway..^_^), no matter how many times I change my home and mobile options, companies, and numbers.  That seems to me..makes it a must have.  Those who have a number that they have had for years that they want to port however, may want to wait a bit.  I know they are working on getting the ability to port your current number..but that could take a while, given how much luck the main players have had trying the same thing.  Also note the Call button on the side of this page, just if any of my friends forget my number, or have a dead mobile..or are at someplace they don't have quick access to their contacts but do have web access..I'm just a click away.  To those who just want to swear at me because you hate me...the program will ask for a name...and if I don't recognize it, will send it right to voicemail...and I will probably read the text before listening to I'll even miss the hatred in your voice.  Hardly seems worth your trouble...^_^

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