Monday, October 5, 2009

Best place to live..

I remember seeing..a few weeks ago..a Repug politician (is there anything worse you can call anyone?) trying to scare his audience of sycophantic morons about how horrid health care reform would be, by saying "I don't want to go to sleep one night, and wake up the next morning in Sweden." 

Now I, for one, had a lot of trouble understanding what was supposed to be frightening about Sweden is almost universally considered to be a fine place to live indeed...but now I see his problem.  He must have seen this early..

Why would you want to wake up in Sweden when you should be in Norway?  In either case though, I can imagine residents of either of those countries waking up in a cold sweat after having the nightmare about waking up in the US......where they could kiss their health care, education, and high standards of living goodbye....

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