Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do you remember....?

Please remember me when i die....
(This post is re-printed from another blog i used to have. The old blog was on an adult site that i don't go to anymore).

My family can trace back our ancestors to my parents great grandparents. Most of my friends can't even go back that far. i keep wondering about all of the lost generations of my ancestors who walked on this planet many years ago. They are lost in the dustbin of history......Absolutely no memories are left of them.....It makes me feel sad...With the invention of photography in the 1800's it became easier to preserve the memories of people....Video tape, film and digital images also will aid in recording a families' memories...But who is going to care one hundred years from now? i can look at old photos of my great grandparents but i have no real memories of them.Our ancestors probably had the same type of worries that we have.....about love; money; and health....i wish that there had been a central registry kept throughout history to record each family's ancestors.....their names; dates of birth; occupations; etc. Next time you visit an antique store you probably will see a box of old photographs showing interesting looking people wearing old fashioned clothes....All of them are long gone and no one even wants their pictures now....They have disapperead from everyone's memories...Its as though they never existed at all. Yet each one was once a special individual....now nothing but dust....When i was little i left my hand print in some wet cement on the sidewalk in front of my parents' house. Yesterday, i noticed that my hand print has almost completely disappeared after all these years...its as though i am already fading from view....after i die, i will be like my hand print...just a fading lost memory.....Will any of you remember me years from now? i'm scared of being forgotten.....

love, tara

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