About the funniest thing I saw today was some kind of world wide "dimout" (not sure if that is supposed to describe the action being taken, or those taking it), where everyone is supposed to sit in the dark for an hour and...I suppose...contemplate their eco-sins. These are the kinds of things that make me do the opposite just on general principles. I'm lucky I haven't heard when the National Smoke Out day has been for the last couple years...as it means I haven't had to go out and buy and smoke any cigarettes. Anyway..excuse me..have to run and turn on all the lights in my house. I can go back to living sanely when I'm sure this idiocy is over for another year....

Somehow I've missed whatever story this cartoon is commenting on. Too bad we don't have any renowned doctors of marine biology who know anything about pharmacokinetics data in fish to clue us in who read this blog...^_^.
Or do we?

Sometimes it's hard to tell who the enemy is...but then Limpballs opens his mouth..and before he manages to fill it with drugs, shit leaks out...
..even so..the Dems in congress should remind themselves whose coattails they rode in on..and keep in mind that to get re-elected..first they have to win their own primary....and being obstructionist for the first man with any ideas in decades is maybe not the best way to win said primary.

This study is a surprise to no one. It's always the people who complain the most about what others are doing who are doing it the most themselves....ie..see priests and pedo's..or right wing radio hosts and drugs.....

A quick couple on Republicans being Republican. Unable to even recognize the truth...let alone tell it...and so set in their ways that they would rather die than change.

...sad career choices are my forte...^_^ (imagine that funny mark above the e..I can't be bothered to hunt up the right ascii character..^_^)

Repugs aisle..."NAY"
so - perhaps the news items with fish and drugs were refering to this article?
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in fish: Results of a national pilot study in the U.S.
antihistamines, antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, drugs for epilepsy, and drugs to lower lipids....
so much for blaming vet's for prescribing drugs to animals and having them show up in the environment -- these drugs are running into the rivers from another source. ^_^
Gee...I wonder what that source could be? It couldn't be our good neighbors....the deservedly under regulated international pharmaceutical companies!! Why, they would no more do anything to harm their customers than bankers would do anything to destroy the worlds economic system....Must be some evil group who hates americans instead. Boy...if I ever get my hands on them....
(I don't know...that is probably right..but still seems a bit esoteric for the average political cartoonist...but..maybe with the web even mainstream commentators can not only find..but assume their readership will find...stories a little further off the headlines that don't have to do with blond pop singers. I think he may be a bit optimistic...but what do I know.
hey --- haven't seen anything new on this site lately -- April is almost gone -- there must have been something of significance to blog about during this month?
It's such a busy time of the year that i hardly have any time to even read the blog...if i get less busy i'll try to post something to this blog.
love from, tara
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