Traditionally, the seven deadly sins were considered: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth.
The Apostolic Penitentiary, one of the Vatican's most secretive departments, which fixes the punishments and indulgences handed down to sinners, last year updated its list of deadly sins to include more modern ones.
The revised list included seven modern sins it said were becoming prevalent during an era of "unstoppable globalisation".
These included: genetic modification, experiments on the person, environmental pollution, taking or selling illegal drugs, social injustice, causing poverty and financial greed.
And God sayeth unto Moses...genetic modification is RIGHT OUT!!!The best one though is "taking or selling illegal drugs". God now decides what's a sin by what the laws are in the country in which you reside. Belgium..go to hell, might be OK....^_^.
As usual, the cartoons could probably be grouped better...but the edit window size conspires against my moving them around with any they are as they load.....^_^

.and if I suggest that all this violence would go away tomorrow if it could be bought at the local drugstore..with appropriate warnings and taxes....I'm the one that's called insane. Go figure.

If only....

I'm just typing in here so no one mistakes the cute Tiny Sepuku cartoon as belonging with those following....^_^

And here I thought that once the repugs were out of office, taking their insane, universally discredited programs with them, I wouldn't have as much to point at and laugh. Silly me. The side show lives on...if only on the dead end siding of talk radio.
1 comment:
Hi Cliff...
If I had power to change the world I would decree that all currently illegal drugs would now be legal to take; grow; and sell. The price of the drugs would fall dramatically and crime would decrease immediately. Drug addicts wouldn't have to steal...rob people...or commit other crimes in order to get the money to buy expensive drugs.
Drugs could also be distributed free to people who don't have enough money.
The prisons would empty out...police resources could be freed up to deal with real crime...and people would be free to do as they please.
Back in the 1920's alcohol was illegal in the U.S.A. and that led to organized crime getting in control...and making millions of dollars...and gaining immense power. Thats the same situation that exists today regarding drugs.
The "war on drugs" will never succeed. The politicians know this but play a game of pretending to be against drug use...while most if not all of them take illegal drugs themselves.
Love from,
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