Tuesday, October 28, 2008


As is probably usual for a first posting, a short explanation. (Or excuse).

I am setting this up as a catch-all for things that I discover...both on the web and elsewhere. I will, (I hope), be opening it up to my friends also as a place they can stash the things they stumble across as well. There is no pretension that anything I find or write (or that any friends do) is of any import to the world at large, although it may well look pretentious soon after posting...much as our lives seem in retrospect...^_^.

That's it..at least to start. Just an attic room to quickly store old junk. I don't expect anyone aside from close friends to come here often, or even at all...but welcome if you do come across it and find anything of even passing interest.


tara said...

Hi Cliff...

Thank you for starting a blog. i think its a very good idea and as soon as i get some extra time i'm going to post things here at your blog.

i stongly urge everybody to post many things here so that there's a record of our thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, in a few years no one will remember us at all.

Anyway, good luck with your blog!

love from,


Cliff said...

I doubt very much that anyone who has met you even virtually is likely to forget you anyway...^_^