Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not as simple as I'd hoped...

I realize this seems like grade school to members of a generation a couple removed from me...but none of this comes easily to me..^_^

So far, I can't get it to do what I really want it to do..that is..act as a repository to easily put things that strike my fancy.

Example..I look at a lot of comic strips and editorial cartoons each day..and some of them I'd like to share. Basically..I'd just like to post the link to the cartoon. As it is...I can add a gadget to the page that will allow anyone to look at the same set of cartoons day after day...or I can send individual links as posts...which happily proclaim in the header my real email address for all to spam...so, not exactly what I am searching for.

The other thing I was looking for was a gadget or button that would just stream whatever music I am playing when you clicked it on the page. Pretty simple eh? Damned if I can find one..^_^

Oh well...I'll just keep looking I guess. Likely just my strange inability to come up with the correct search term no matter how simple it seems to the rest of humanity.....^_^

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