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In reading comments from the "wrong" over the last few days(or should that be "the far wrong") since the election, there is actually a section that believes this will happen to them. I say not to worry..we usually leave this kind of behavior up to them and others of the facist stripe (like, say..communists..^_^..totalitarianism is as totalitarianism does..). I don't really mind if Rush and the dittoheads continue to screech their brand of aural pain. I use it as a barometer, and when I hear one of those talking points being barfed up, I know that I am listening to or reading someone who I don't need to pay any attention to about anything. Saves a ton of reading time.

I hope she runs also. It will mean the brain dead "core" of the party is still in charge. Hope she does better in her primaries than Danny Boy managed to. Another guaranteed 4 years with as few repugs as possible is certainly something to look forward to.
I heard obama's response to a town ordiance to make people not wear pants down below their cracks!
He said it was a waste of taxpayer's money to be writting legisation about that
BUT - in keeping with my feeling that he does have a wonderful grasp on reality and balance - he followed up with
"but having said that - Brothers - pull up your pants!"
I had to think of one of my kids who said "men in the USA don't know how to dress -- now italian men - they wear nice pants" (form fitting ones ^_^)
I thought your kids were big believers in not judging a book by it's cover?
It's a point of pride for american men that "I'm as good as you are, and I don't need no fancy clothes to prove it..".
I played the "don't you dare judge who I am by the length of my hair" game. Can we think of what game is being played here? This is just teens..pointing out in a blindingly obvious way..what a bunch of hypocrites their elders are.
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