I've ranted on this already..but I do like it when someone can do it better in a lot fewer words...^_^

After posting this..I'm not sure what it is..^_^. I had a whole rant set up about the silliness of lying to your customers about your product when all it would take is the lowest level of employee to bring down the whole corporation...but I can't find any news article suggesting that Whole was mis-labeling their products. Now I'll just use it as an example of a poorly thought out comic and see if anyone see's something in it that I'm not....
On the humor side...I found this on Digg...
I find I regularly do 3 or 4 of them..but that's only because the drivers around me have already pissed me of by doing the other 6.....^_^
whole foods -- have had major problems with falling stock (80% drop) even before the market has had problems
I think..what I'm probably going to have to do..is wrap my head around the concept that my grocery store needs to be maximizing profits for it's shareholders rather that getting me good food at a reasonable price. The only Whole Foods I knew well did have quite good food...but only for days when I was feeling quite flush with cash..^_^...which is a reasonable niche in an economy that is also feeling that way. Should I be feeling sorry for Whole Foods shareholders? Not likely. I'm also trying to figure out at what point investing became a no lose proposition for people. There is a reason you expect a return higher than bank interest..and it's that that risk is more. I suspect that for too long people listened to the republican mantra of getting your money into something that will really give you a retirement income that you can go places with..ie..invest it in their businesses so that they can live high on the hog now, and with their golden parachutes retire early even when they have run it into the ground. I count myself lucky that for most of my life I never had enough money in one lump to waste too much of it playing "help me send my good for nothing son to Harvard" with....^_^
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