I'm about to head off into the no man's land that is my polling place. Given that my area is awash in repug idealogues, I can only hope I return in one piece...^_^

...and he still has a couple of more months to finish the job...leaving us in the rapturous state he believes we belong in....

Another good example of this is the ad's from the repug PAC's that have inundated in the last week that even McCain was too embarrassed to approve of. What they were harping about though, in terms that might have worked even 4 years ago...were lies and distortions that this time around had been thoroughly debunked..usually within hours by various bloggers and other net entities..which were then picked up and distributed by a media that seemed to have gotten tired of being kicked around by the right wing blowhards and decided to point out when the repugs were being lying scum...(evoking the standard cries of 'bias"...defined by a repug as any reporting that tells the truth over repeating verbatim their preferred lies..^_^). One can only hope that with the "media" spread out over millions of people and not in the total control of a few big right wing conglomerates the famous Atwater/Rove technique of lying your way into office will be blunted.

...still a couple of months to go...though I doubt this congress will be growing any balls in that time...
Hi Cliff,
Did you make it back in one piece?
love from,
I have returned...^_^..mostly in one piece...but..since I combined my shopping with the trip...tired...^_^
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