Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mark of Texas
The best and the brightest (Republican style).
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Odds and ends..
Regarding the doesn't matter what it was. He claims "it was only a prank". A jest..a simple harm here. Bullshit. Anything winged through the open window of a car traveling next to you at speed is criminal. Period. What could possibly be "prankish" about it? "Gee officer, I only meant to distract him long enough for him to lose control and was only a prank". In fact..I'm not even sure the window being open should be considered. I know that I would have pulled hard right upon something hitting my window...that I would have best..with my peripheral vision at the last second. I'm annoyed that this is being reported as a "joke" story. This was dangerous, and well worth the felony charge. Don't let him off the hook.
I was going to continue here by lambasting the authorities for PC above and beyond the bounds of PC...but upon reading further than the headline things become less clear. The story was about parents being arrested for washing their 8 years olds mouth out with soap...(something many of us managed to live through, and we managed to be more circumspect around elders, if not each other..^_^). However..this is also described as being forced to "eat" soap (which I might consider going a touch to far), and more importantly...not getting aid for the child when she had an allergic reaction to the soap, however..that may not be true either, since they did call for aid, which is what brought the police in the first place. You would think that a news organization would at least attempt to get the full story before bothering to run it for everyone else to make fun of. There is just too much here that is unknown.
OK..unlike most of the news reports..I did look a bit further. The mother has had run ins with child services before it seems...and while she was finally taken to a hospital, it was long after she should have been..and it seems only then because the mother got afraid she would be in worse trouble if the girl died...not out of any compassion for the child. I think I may now switch position, and rather than swearing at a government agency for being to aggressive, I should swear at them for maybe not removing the kids from that home sooner...^_^.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Signs of Intelligence?
The dumbest contestant of all time...
Here is the url:
Its funny!
Love from,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
MIssing cartoons..
Do you remember....?
(This post is re-printed from another blog i used to have. The old blog was on an adult site that i don't go to anymore).
My family can trace back our ancestors to my parents great grandparents. Most of my friends can't even go back that far. i keep wondering about all of the lost generations of my ancestors who walked on this planet many years ago. They are lost in the dustbin of history......Absolutely no memories are left of them.....It makes me feel sad...With the invention of photography in the 1800's it became easier to preserve the memories of people....Video tape, film and digital images also will aid in recording a families' memories...But who is going to care one hundred years from now? i can look at old photos of my great grandparents but i have no real memories of them.Our ancestors probably had the same type of worries that we have.....about love; money; and health....i wish that there had been a central registry kept throughout history to record each family's ancestors.....their names; dates of birth; occupations; etc. Next time you visit an antique store you probably will see a box of old photographs showing interesting looking people wearing old fashioned clothes....All of them are long gone and no one even wants their pictures now....They have disapperead from everyone's memories...Its as though they never existed at all. Yet each one was once a special nothing but dust....When i was little i left my hand print in some wet cement on the sidewalk in front of my parents' house. Yesterday, i noticed that my hand print has almost completely disappeared after all these years...its as though i am already fading from view....after i die, i will be like my hand print...just a fading lost memory.....Will any of you remember me years from now? i'm scared of being forgotten.....
love, tara
Monday, October 5, 2009
Best place to live..
Now I, for one, had a lot of trouble understanding what was supposed to be frightening about Sweden is almost universally considered to be a fine place to live indeed...but now I see his problem. He must have seen this early..
Why would you want to wake up in Sweden when you should be in Norway? In either case though, I can imagine residents of either of those countries waking up in a cold sweat after having the nightmare about waking up in the US......where they could kiss their health care, education, and high standards of living goodbye....
Twice in a day! seems easier to insert and play with the pictures in this template of the blog. That's good. People are still taking Palin seriously enough to do editorials about her...that's not as good. I assumed enough people had realized what a useless thing she is by now. Silly me.
This is just a fun one for my euro friends...a few American stereotypes. (Probably the same people who still want to hear about Palin.) ^_^
On another front...I'm experimenting with Google Voice. If it really can do what it looks like it's supposed to I'll be very happy. Glad now that I waited to switch from Vonage to an even cheaper home phone I only had to send out one number change. This one should stick with me forever (forever for me anyway..^_^), no matter how many times I change my home and mobile options, companies, and numbers. That seems to me..makes it a must have. Those who have a number that they have had for years that they want to port however, may want to wait a bit. I know they are working on getting the ability to port your current number..but that could take a while, given how much luck the main players have had trying the same thing. Also note the Call button on the side of this page, just if any of my friends forget my number, or have a dead mobile..or are at someplace they don't have quick access to their contacts but do have web access..I'm just a click away. To those who just want to swear at me because you hate me...the program will ask for a name...and if I don't recognize it, will send it right to voicemail...and I will probably read the text before listening to I'll even miss the hatred in your voice. Hardly seems worth your trouble...^_^
7 Months and counting, eh?
Of course...I don't mean to shift any blame..but...I see 4 other people listed as contributors...who also never posted anything for the last 7 months.
I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised though. Two of them don't even follow the blog...^_^.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Has it really been over 2 months?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Forgot the title....
About the funniest thing I saw today was some kind of world wide "dimout" (not sure if that is supposed to describe the action being taken, or those taking it), where everyone is supposed to sit in the dark for an hour and...I suppose...contemplate their eco-sins. These are the kinds of things that make me do the opposite just on general principles. I'm lucky I haven't heard when the National Smoke Out day has been for the last couple it means I haven't had to go out and buy and smoke any cigarettes. Anyway..excuse me..have to run and turn on all the lights in my house. I can go back to living sanely when I'm sure this idiocy is over for another year....

Somehow I've missed whatever story this cartoon is commenting on. Too bad we don't have any renowned doctors of marine biology who know anything about pharmacokinetics data in fish to clue us in who read this blog...^_^.
Or do we?

Sometimes it's hard to tell who the enemy is...but then Limpballs opens his mouth..and before he manages to fill it with drugs, shit leaks out...
..even so..the Dems in congress should remind themselves whose coattails they rode in on..and keep in mind that to get re-elected..first they have to win their own primary....and being obstructionist for the first man with any ideas in decades is maybe not the best way to win said primary.

This study is a surprise to no one. It's always the people who complain the most about what others are doing who are doing it the most priests and pedo's..or right wing radio hosts and drugs.....

A quick couple on Republicans being Republican. Unable to even recognize the truth...let alone tell it...and so set in their ways that they would rather die than change.

...sad career choices are my forte...^_^ (imagine that funny mark above the e..I can't be bothered to hunt up the right ascii character..^_^)

Repugs aisle..."NAY"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Headline Game...
Pope sentences thousands to death!!
"it's a moral thing" quips jaunty pontiff while vacationing in warmer climes.
Even France dumbfounded at immense idiocy..
Below From the BBC
Benedict XVI, who is on a tour of Africa, said handing out condoms only increased the problem of HIV/Aids.
The Roman Catholic Church says marital fidelity and sexual abstinence are the best way to prevent the spread of HIV.
But France, echoing the reaction of some aid agencies, said it "voices extremely sharp concern over the consequences of [the Pope's comments]".
"While it is not up to us to pass judgment on Church doctrine, we consider that such comments are a threat to public health policies and the duty to protect human life," foreign ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier said.
Rebecca Hodes, of the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa said: "His opposition to condoms conveys that religious dogma is more important to him than the lives of Africans."
I wonder who it is up to to pass judgment on Church doctrine? The French say it's not them..any takers? Somebody should.
Warners tells children not to be seen or heard..
Below from EFF
First they came for the teenagers. Could toddlers be far behind? Nope. Thanks to the good folks at YouTomb, we’ve learned that Warner Music’s automated takedown net has now caught two videos of little kids being little kids.
Of course we can’t show you the videos since they’re, well, censored, but the YouTomb snapshots tell most of the story. One showed a 4 year old lip-syncing to the old Foreigner hit, “Juke Box Hero.” The other apparently showed a baby smacking its lips to the tune of “I Love My Lips”—a song originally sung by a cucumber in an episode of “Veggie Tales.” Both videos are obvious fair uses (these are transformative, noncommercial videos that are not substitutes for the original songs, and there is no plausible market for "licensing" parents before they video their own children singing) and perfectly legal—just like the video of a baby dancing to a Prince song that Universal Music Group took down in 2007.
These are just a few of the thousands of videos Warner has instructed YouTube to block in the past few months. According to statistics kept by YouTomb, there were twice as many videos removed from YouTube in January 2009 as in the entire previous year combined. The numbers are all more appalling because, thanks to Warner's reliance on YouTube’s automated, censorship-friendly Content I.D. tool, there is no reason to think that Warner even bothered to watch these videos to decide whether it actually objects them before blocking them.
We’ve said it before, and we’ll keep saying it until the folks at Warner come to their senses: it’s time to stop the censorship. The Content ID system should be set to flag possible infringing works and then Warner should have a human review those works before they are taken down.
And if Warner won’t reverse course altogether, it should at least promise that no one will be sued for simply disputing a Content I.D. removal. Warner loses nothing by this: even after a user files Content I.D. dispute, Warner still has the option of using a DMCA takedown notice to target videos to which it really objects. By publicly committing to using the DMCA process, Warner will reassure fair users that they can raise the red flag without fear of finding themselves in the middle of an expensive and unexpected lawsuit.
Why is it I assume that Warners will do nothing to change it's policies? Oh..that's right..they are one of those companies that thought suing it's biggest fans was a good idea...and are still wondering where the fans all went.

This is more the case than most would like to believe....

I've always thought that. Don't trust anyone over 27. (As true today as ever).

Quote? Of course not. That story will quickly turn when it's your turn.

I could make a number of comments..but the details in the drawing seem to make most of them...

We all have seen the answer to this question.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
American Idol Prediction
There are thirteen contestants now in the running to win American Idol. i predict that the final winner in about twelve weeks will be Adam Lambert. i think he sings very good. Time will tell if i'm a good judge!
Love from,
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Vatican weighs in on Brazil rape case
A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication in Brazil of the mother and doctors of a young girl who had an abortion with their help.
The nine-year-old had conceived twins after alleged abuse by her stepfather.
Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re told Italian paper La Stampa that the twins "had the right to live" and attacks on Brazil's Catholic Church were unfair.
Let's imagine some more accurate headlines and stories....
The Vatican today came out in favor of the excommunication of those who saved the life of a 9 year old rape victim by allowing the abortion of the twin fetus's she was carrying "How dare the mother of the girl and those doctors interfere with Our Lord's death sentence on this sinner and harlot" said someone or other who claims moral authority over everyone in the world just because he gets to wear funny clothes.
In a related story, the stepfather who committed the rapes over a period of 3 years or more has confessed, and will be welcomed into heaven with open arms. The Vatican is considering bringing him further into the church by making him an archbishop because of his showing of moral character, and also to help offset the cruel loss of his sperm fertilized eggs....
Below...more dubious moral characters..

It's somehow comforting to see that the new faces of the repugs have the same high intellectual rigor of the previous lot...

...speaking of high intellectual rigor

Finally..advice feature I can believe in. Beats the hell out of fake Dr. Whatever on the networks...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Brazilian abortion..
A Brazilian archbishop says all those who helped a child rape victim secure an abortion are to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
The girl, aged nine, who lives in the north-eastern state of Pernambuco, became pregnant with twins.
It is alleged that she had been sexually assaulted over a number of years by her stepfather.
The excommunication applies to the child's mother and the doctors involved in the procedure.Good for them. Each one of them is a million times more moral than any member of the catholic church hierarchy. Now maybe they can live real lives of sane, moral behavior without worrying about the edicts of a bunch of insane old men.
Why anyone continues to pay any attention at all to these sick old perverts is one of the puzzling questions of the modern world.

Speaking of religion and old perverts....

Like the Catholic priests...better a dead raped 9 year old who is way to small to birth twins than a living girl who might pop them out every few months like the church likes them later....notice any other similarities between the elite of the repugs and the elite of any other faith based organizations? Like..the one below?

Noticing a theme today?

Besides..the church won't let you remove it anyway....(not that there is any sign of life...even after years of gestation...^_^)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Long time coming...
Traditionally, the seven deadly sins were considered: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth.
The Apostolic Penitentiary, one of the Vatican's most secretive departments, which fixes the punishments and indulgences handed down to sinners, last year updated its list of deadly sins to include more modern ones.
The revised list included seven modern sins it said were becoming prevalent during an era of "unstoppable globalisation".
These included: genetic modification, experiments on the person, environmental pollution, taking or selling illegal drugs, social injustice, causing poverty and financial greed.
And God sayeth unto Moses...genetic modification is RIGHT OUT!!!The best one though is "taking or selling illegal drugs". God now decides what's a sin by what the laws are in the country in which you reside. Belgium..go to hell, might be OK....^_^.
As usual, the cartoons could probably be grouped better...but the edit window size conspires against my moving them around with any they are as they load.....^_^

.and if I suggest that all this violence would go away tomorrow if it could be bought at the local drugstore..with appropriate warnings and taxes....I'm the one that's called insane. Go figure.

If only....

I'm just typing in here so no one mistakes the cute Tiny Sepuku cartoon as belonging with those following....^_^

And here I thought that once the repugs were out of office, taking their insane, universally discredited programs with them, I wouldn't have as much to point at and laugh. Silly me. The side show lives on...if only on the dead end siding of talk radio.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The founder of a US Muslim TV network has been charged over the beheading of his wife, media reports say.
Muzzammil Hassan, 44, is accused of second degree murder of Aasiya Hassan, whose body was found last week at the TV station in New York state.
Both Mr Hassan and his wife worked at Bridges TV, a station aimed at countering stereotypes of Muslims.
Way to counter those stereotypes. Sort of the same methodology that the repugs try and use to convince people they have a brain...."we'll show you how smart we are...let's keep doing the same thing that caused the current mess..that's bound to fix it...."The following just confirm what I've been saying recently. I'll be happy to reduce government oversight of private concerns..just as soon as I see any sign that as rule 1 they have replaced "Profit above all" with "Don't kill the customers"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We start with a little valentines day message. Shouldn't be much in the way of controversy there...^_^

Which one should we care about? Which one actually effects our lives? Now..all together now, which one gets more press coverage? Of course.

Did you notice that they have renamed their "bonus" payments that are not allowed to "retention payments"...because, after all...if you don't keep the assholes who caused the situation, they'd just go get jobs at huge pay rises in some other there is someplace where their skills would be useful. Maybe they could become repug congressmen....or are they over qualified for that?

The idea anymore that someone needs to hop on a jet and rush off someplace for a face to face to solve a problem shows how out of touch these people are. You can have a face to face with anyone, anytime, in a few minutes, if they aren't so fossilized they should have been buried years ago....

...and they've given me a couple....but I'm trying to cut back on my profanity....
Friday, February 6, 2009

Speaking of lawyers and the ability to be wrong even with their extra education on the law....
I understand the tendency to want to blame Obama for choosing some point you have to believe the resumes you are handed, and trust to your staff to ferret out this stuff. The hard part comes when (and I'm not saying this is the case here), the laws being broken are so arcane and byzantine (like laws) that even the lawbreaker has no idea s/he has broken the law. I many cases it's not as clear cut as say certain radio hosts and their gulping of narcotics....

Be careful what you wish for...^_^

Ah yes..the old double standard.....

My brain says...yes...the market should be left alone and it will always correct itself...if it is truly free....but...that is based upon the idea that it should not be able to be manipulated by big business interests anymore than it should be by government interests....and that the minimum standard of a company should be that it try not to kill it's customers. (Something you would think would fall under the heading of common sense...^_^).

What!! A star athlete who has used recreational drugs!! Oh no's!! Take away those medals...what kind of role model is he!! And take away Babe Ruths records too please...since he as often as not showed up with a hangover..meaning the drugs were still in his system. And...well...I could easily go on over the years. Can you believe people have actually called for his medals to be taken back? As far as I can tell..the IOC policy towards non performance enhancing drugs is that if you don't test for them during the's not their problem. A pretty sane opinion there if you ask me. Are we sure this is the IOC we are talking about? Doesn't sound like them.....
As for Michael..well..maybe he isn't the self centered asshole I have assumed he was since he was annointed by the media barons starting a couple of years before this last round of games....maybe he's actually human. However..he has rolled over on his back and promised never to engage in harmless fun perhaps my initial impression is correct.

Hey..I was almost 2 weeks ahead of the cartoonists on this one..very rare...although I do understand their hesitancy to comment on idiot religious happenings out of fear of fatwah....
The best comments I've heard on this are along the line's a guy that has no doubt about the truth of a bunch of word of mouth stories handed down over several millennium..translated and re-translated....but doesn't believe something that happened less than 60 years ago...with a paper trail a mile wide, testimony from many of the perpetrators, and millions of witnesses. Talk about selective belief. This is not something made up by the victors after the war to demonize the German people. (If anything, it was played down so the money being spent on the rebuilding of Germany would have an easier time being disbursed). This was all carefully noted by the wartime Germans themselves...with the attention to detail for which they are well noted. The only people denying it happened are those who have shown a marked tendency to want to do it themselves.....which is very un-Torquemada like..oh..wait...hmmm..never mind.
Onion Rings
i'm sure all of you have fond memories of a favourite food dish that you used to eat when you were young. In my case i remember going on a long car trip with my parents and we went into this restaurant and i remember i had an order of onion rings. They were the best ones i ever had but i can't remember the name of the restaurant or even what city it was in. It was many years ago.
The last few months i've been trying to make my own onion rings and hoping i could duplicate the taste. i've tried several recipes and all of them were no good. However, a few days ago i found a recipe on the internet for Outback Steakhouse Blooming Onion and i bought all the ingredients...stuff i really never have around my kitchen like cornstarch, garlic, paprika, cayenne pepper...i also bought a case of beer because one of the ingredients was beer. I spent about $30.00 on all of the ingredients that were required, not counting the case of beer, which cost $45.00 Canadian.Last night i finally decided to try the recipe and it took me about half an hour to mix up all the ingredients, including a bottle of Heineken beer, and i put two onion rings in the hot oil...and then i tried to eat them and they were the worst onion rings i ever had!...It was terrible!i can't understand what went wrong because i followed the recipe exactly as it was written. i got so upset that i dumped all the batter and other ingredients in the garbage. Those two onion rings i ate cost me about $15.00 each! And what a mess to clean up all the dishes and the pot...i was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem trying to duplicate a favourite food memory from childhood.
love from,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
First..on a side note...this was published in response to the BBC asking about a problem at Google this morning....
"There was a fault. We don't know the nature of it yet. Everything has been solved. We are still making initial enquiries, " a Google spokesperson told BBC News.
Let's parse this for a second...
1st admission of a problem..great.
2nd sentence..also OK..the techs charged with fixing the problem do not have notifying a "spokesperson" high up on their list of priorities..nor should they..
3rd sentence...What!!! You don't know what it is..but you've "solved" it? Well done. Personally, I find it tricky to solve my problems when I don't know what is causing them..but maybe that's just me...
4th wait a minute...not only don't you know what it is, but you are just beginning to look..yet you've solved it. Wow. Who let the weasels out? I wouldn't think anything of this from almost anyone else...but I expect better from Google.

A valid point about what a bunch of screaming hypocrites the repugs are...not that the same can't likely be said of any pol....^_^ will they ever manage to pull themselves out of the hole they dug if their execs have to fly around in last years jet? Have you no compassion?

Isn't it amazing how perspective changes how you see things. I suspect the people being talked about here actually believe this argument, and feel picked on.

Jon Stewart had a wonderful take on the possibility of some of these people being housed in US prisons...and that's basically...what are the repug congressman afraid of? We are the number one country in the world for imprisoning people. Certainly we can handle any of these guys. It's not like we're bringing them in to work at the local Quickie-Mart. If some are worried about it...put them in the same prisons we hold some of our more incorrigible gang members. I forsee lawyers begging to get them returned to Guantanamo...for some nice relaxing torture...^_^

Yes...this is like about what most "consumer" oriented government agencies look like after 8 years of repug neglect and outright sabotage of their intended purposes. Interesting that they are now beginning to feel that maybe they are actually supposed to perform the mandate that they were created for in the first place....keep corporations from killing their customers. (You'd think any sane organization would have that as at least a minimum goal...but it seems not...hence controlling agencies....).

Why I have always been confused about flirting..^_^.

If only.....
Maybe some Limpballs brand Peanut Butter Product...special offer cheap for all his listeners...overstock sale....