First..on a side note...this was published in response to the BBC asking about a problem at Google this morning....
"There was a fault. We don't know the nature of it yet. Everything has been solved. We are still making initial enquiries, " a Google spokesperson told BBC News.
Let's parse this for a second...
1st admission of a problem..great.
2nd sentence..also OK..the techs charged with fixing the problem do not have notifying a "spokesperson" high up on their list of priorities..nor should they..
3rd sentence...What!!! You don't know what it is..but you've "solved" it? Well done. Personally, I find it tricky to solve my problems when I don't know what is causing them..but maybe that's just me...
4th wait a minute...not only don't you know what it is, but you are just beginning to look..yet you've solved it. Wow. Who let the weasels out? I wouldn't think anything of this from almost anyone else...but I expect better from Google.

A valid point about what a bunch of screaming hypocrites the repugs are...not that the same can't likely be said of any pol....^_^ will they ever manage to pull themselves out of the hole they dug if their execs have to fly around in last years jet? Have you no compassion?

Isn't it amazing how perspective changes how you see things. I suspect the people being talked about here actually believe this argument, and feel picked on.

Jon Stewart had a wonderful take on the possibility of some of these people being housed in US prisons...and that's basically...what are the repug congressman afraid of? We are the number one country in the world for imprisoning people. Certainly we can handle any of these guys. It's not like we're bringing them in to work at the local Quickie-Mart. If some are worried about it...put them in the same prisons we hold some of our more incorrigible gang members. I forsee lawyers begging to get them returned to Guantanamo...for some nice relaxing torture...^_^

Yes...this is like about what most "consumer" oriented government agencies look like after 8 years of repug neglect and outright sabotage of their intended purposes. Interesting that they are now beginning to feel that maybe they are actually supposed to perform the mandate that they were created for in the first place....keep corporations from killing their customers. (You'd think any sane organization would have that as at least a minimum goal...but it seems not...hence controlling agencies....).

Why I have always been confused about flirting..^_^.

If only.....
Maybe some Limpballs brand Peanut Butter Product...special offer cheap for all his listeners...overstock sale....
1 comment:
ouch on the fda- but of course correct
let me nail your knees to the floor and then be outraged you can't run anymore.
perhaps the media should examine the years of honeymoon they gave BUSH - no tough questions -- taking whatever name they were given my the bush team to call the agressions in Iraq, on and on... so if the media didn't show him for what he was, then maybe the voters didn't have enough info to vote him out of office after 4 yrs....
Part of the responsiblitiy for the last 8 years lies with the press (which I find is not the "liberal" press at all)
and flirting - well -- remember what the lord high executioner says in the Mikado
in case you don't know (first of all he is condemed to death because he flirted - and at one point he says "married men never flirt")
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