Hey..why not. It's worked for hundreds of years with rhino horn and thousands of other "medicines". This is good in 2 ways...gives the animal kingdom a break with something that actually works..and maybe gives some tribal elders a reason to hang on in this life instead of going for all those virgins in the next. A bird in the hand after all....^_^

You know what? I'll bet the dem congresspeople think the reason they got elected and even may have an override majority is because of what great leaders they are. They had better wake up. They rode in because of one of the most unpopular presidents ever. I would suggest that they had better be seen to be helping the new guy, right or wrong, if many of them seek to be around longer than the next 2 years......(and hope he's got it right). They need to remember that congress almost never ranks above a president in popularity, no matter how unpopular he is. The president has to be a real moron to drop below congressional approval ratings. Just because the got lucky with the last one doesn't mean that their luck will hold.
hey - birds in the hand are not "leaving the animal kingdom alone" ^_^
did I miss something? was there news about giving tribal chiefs viagra? please, say it aint so?
this on the heals of a "gay bomb"
what is going on with our government?
Much may depend, of course..on who's handling who's bird...^_^
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