Saturday, January 24, 2009

Vatican, and other stories..

This from the BBC newsite:

The Vatican has condemned President Obama's move to restore US funding for family planning clinics abroad that give advice on or carry out abortions.

One Vatican official warned against the "arrogance" of those in power who think they can decide between life and death.

This from me....

Talk about arrogance. That comment sounds to me like the most perfect description of the Vatican that I have ever read. Am I really supposed to take my moral authority from a group of people who just today re-instated as Bishop a man who preaches the Holocaust didn't happen? An organization that is better known for it's denigration of women, abuse of children. torture of innocents, and generally perverted behaviors of it's various leaders over the centuries than for it's "good works". I suggest they shut up, get their own house in order, and say about a billion Hail Mary's before I'll even consider making them even in the top 10 of places I look to for moral guidance.


Had to get that in as soon as I saw it. A bit less thought than usual...but it really made me angry. Let me toss in a couple other things I have sitting around while I'm here.

Well, I wanted to end with this...but since the window doesn't scroll when when I drag the picture...and the edit window is tiny...I can neither get this one below the following one and vice versa...anyway...I find the above good advice..^_^

And as for this one....I think it will take more than 1 instance to convince me....^_^

1 comment:

tara said...

The Bishop who preaches that the Holocaust didn't occur ignores the meticulous records kept in the German Government archives detailing the construction of gas chambers; ignores the invoices detailing the manufacturing of poison gas pellets; ignores the construction of railway lines used to transport millions of people to the concentration death camps; ignores the actual abandoned gas chambers, ignores the eyewitnesses; ignores the testimony at the Nuremberg trial; ignores the emptying of cities under Nazi control; and ignores photographic and film records.

And yet that same Bishop absolutely accepts and absolutely believes and actively preaches, without a single shred of scientific proof, that the world is only a few thousand years old; that there is a heaven; that there is a devil; that there was an Adam and an Eve; that there was a man named Jesus who was conceived by a God; that Jesus walked on water; and that Jesus rose from the dead.

The hypocrisy is simply astounding and mind boggling...

Love from,
