So, an anecdote.
I met Sir Terry about a year and a half ago, at a talk and book signing in a book store in eastern PA, what I would call a large mom & pop operation, not a huge chain store. It amazed me that an author of his stature (and sales) was, after a quarter century, still working the circuit. He certainly didn't have to, as any increase in sales made by this appearance was I am sure measured somewhere way to the right of the sales decimal point. Once it was my turn to have my book signed I let him know that I had spent a couple of months in my misspent adulthood working as assistant engineer on the Meatloaf "Bat out of Hell" album I know from reading that he has expressed a fondness for. This led to him recounting a more recent encounter with the album, as he chose it to listen to while he was getting a tube shoved into his heart for a look/see, and in turn I answered a couple of questions he had regarding it's recording. After taking up way too much of his time (a look at those behind me in the queue was enough to confirm that...), he turned to sign my book. I was looking forward to some clever turn of phrase that would make the signature more distictive (he is a prolific signer...the joke being that an unsigned Pratchett is worth more than a signed one...^_^). He signed and handed me back the book, which I put in my bag. When I got to my car and looked at the signature, I was quite a bit more moved by it than any clever remark. It read "Thanks".
I have regretted ever since that I did not at least give him my email address, just in case he ever decided that there was something else that he wanted to know the answer to about the album. I sent it off to his drop just about the same time he announced he has been diagnosed with a form of early onset Alzheimers which point he was swamped by thousands of emails, which he acknowledges he will never be able to get to. Maybe this will pop up on a google search someday when he is taking some surf time....and maybe, if I don't need too many more bypasses....I'll still be around to respond...^_^.
I think I'll toss a couple of editorial cartoons from last week in here now...

I suppose that here is where I open myself up as a target to the the everlasting surprise of my normal right wing targets. I don't understand the whining about this from people and organizations I more normally would tend to respect. You don't let a group of people in the territory next door sit there and lob missiles at you over and over again. Period. I personally admire the restraint of the Israeli's for putting up with it as long as they least on their end honoring the "cease fire" that had been brokered by Egypt, even through Hamas continuing to call for the death of Israel as a state, as well as the death of it's peoples. Here's a quick clue for all you Muslims out there, and your apologists. If you stop screaming "kill them all" and make even a slight attempt to join even a 19th century civilized world, maybe you could get some sympathy when you scream about the Israeli "attrocities". At least they are doing it out in the open, with all the world watching. Not skulking into the local market to blow up some women and children with a bomb strapped to their ass.... Grow up. If you spend all your time telling me you are going to kill me, then start driving past my house everyday tossing rocks, don't bitch at the shotgun blast through the windsheild....

...and in what way were we expecting them to behave differently? They are the same greedy bastards that caused the problems...then and now. Maybe if some of them could be brought to trial, like the exec's in China who's lives are on the line for adding industrial chemicals to their milk products, there would be less of this...or at least they might have the decency to hide it better....

Talk about sour's a cartoonist that only wishes this is what the end of his life will be like...^_^
Hi Cliff,
That's a wonderful anecdote about Sir Terry Pratchett. Thanks for sharing it with us.
The editorial cartoon about the middle east conflict was very good. i'm constantly getting into arguments with my friends over the same points you mentioned. i agree with you 100%. It's funny how we seen to agree on most issues!
The point i always make to my friends is that if Israel really was a bloodthirsty country they could level Gaza in one day with their military power by carpet bombing every square inch. However, Israel tries to hit the militant targets...which are often located next door to, or even inside of, schools, mosques and residential dwellings. Unfortunately, this results in civilian deaths which are then exploited by the militants.
I also point out to my friends that if the terrorists had the military might of Israel and the situation was reversed...then you would witness the total dstruction and mass murder of every man, woman and child in Israel.
Hopefully, this blog won't attract the attention of all the conspiracy nuts out there...who belive that Jews are behind every calamity that occurs in this world...One of my friends is like this...and its pretty disturbing to speak to him...since he truly believes that there is a world-wide conspiracy...that nothing is as it appears...he even believes that the moon landings were faked...stuff like that. It's really very sad and i feel sorry for him because he truly believes all these wacky the world must really be a frightening place for him. i've tried to tell him to seek professional help but of course everyone else is crazy...except him!
And one last point...i can assure you that there will never, ever, ever, be peace in the Middle East... Its just that people on both sides are too damn stubborn and can't be reasoned with. And the sad result is that only if you have military might will you survive in that area of the world...
Love from,
on another writer note:
Donald E Westlake died
he wrote over 100 novels -- great crime fiction.,0,6300786.story
And about the middle east - I think that the Bush administration is, in part, responsible for the escalation of tensions during the last 8 years.
The Clinton adminstration had started bring high level folks to the table - at least in the same room - where negotiations and civil interactions begin
When Bush came into office he pretty much decided to adopt an isolationist policy during the first 9 months -- droping advances made before he got there and then ignoring warnings of potential attacks in the US...
I'm hoping Obama will begin to bring the world community together
and the cartoon with OIL as a weapon of wall street is fantastic!
keep em coming ^)^
Well..that's a terrible thing to see first thing in the morning. I suggest anyone that doesn't know the name Westlake to follow the link Anagen gives. You do know him, you just don't know it....
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