Sunday, November 23, 2008

The kind of thing that makes us a laughingstock.

Now..that being said...all countries have things that seem to be more prevalent in their country than any people get to set up and maintain their stereotypes. This one seems prototypical American..^_^.

McDonald's sued...

Comments please...^_^


tara said...

Hi everybody!

A good thing to remember is to never let anyone take pictures of you if you're naked. You never can be sure where those pictures will end up in this day and age.

Even if you trust the person taking the photo's...don't do it!

And this lawsuit should be dismissed...

love from,


Cliff said...

But..but...I really really want a naked picture of you....:( Whatever shall I do. I know....just send me a head shot...I'll take it from there....^_^

I "this day and age", that worrying about it the lame part. All she has to do is say "that's not me...I must have really pissed someone off to do that to me....". We all know how easy it is to (photo)shop someone..and believe me..most of us are not going to do a forensic examination to see if the picture is real or not.

Seems to me that they just forgot rule 1..never admit to anything...^_^.